Tailored Solutions for Promoters and Professionals
Product Highlights
To generate long term risk adjusted returns along with regular
Philosophy & Strategy
A high‐risk high return‐oriented strategy that aims at
generating long‐term consistent alpha by investing in Multicap
portfolio with GARP being the investment philosophy
Investment Approach
Equity stocks are chosen for investment based on the following
(1) The company fundamentals, as reflected in reported numbers
(2) Investment strategy research regarding various market cycles
(3) Risk & Reward ratios
(4) Sector Agnostic
(5) Multi Cap
(1) The company fundamentals, as reflected in reported numbers
(2) Investment strategy research regarding various market cycles
(3) Risk & Reward ratios
(4) Sector Agnostic
(5) Multi Cap
Asset Allocation
Up to 100% in equity (cash portion may be deployed in liquid
funds/debt securities). The fund will be mostly invested in
equities with some small portion like 2% kept for expenses & and
Indicative tenure or investment horizon
3 to 5 Years or more
High risk
Investment Process

Idea Generation
- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks

Research & Analysis
- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks

Investable Pool
- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks

Portfolio Construction
- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks

Review & Monitoring
- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks

- Universe : Top- 500
- Stocks
- Active tracker
- Network inputs
- Independent channel checks
Investment Philosophy | GARP
Quality of Business
(Competitive Advantage,
ROE/ROCE & Free Cash Generation)
Scale of
Quality & Ability to
Scale the Business
Get in touch
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Pioneers in Bottom-Up stock picking
Ability to pick trends early
Focus on Primary Research
Long term approach to investing
Long term performance track record since inception in 2002
Bespoke approach to individual client's portfolio